About Us

Who We Are

Pasadena Mennonite Church is an Anabaptist community of people from all over the Los Angeles area. We gather in Pasadena on Sundays and live out the rest of the week, both together and in our personal spaces, committed to the work, teaching, and witness of Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we seek authentic fellowship with one another and the world centered on his message of good news for the poor and dispossessed, seeking peace, justice, healing, and joy in all our relationships.

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Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings, you can find us in the fellowship hall of the Pasadena Church of the Brethren (1041 N. Altadena Ave; Pasadena, CA 91107). We begin to gather together at 10:10AM for fellowship, coffee, and snacks. We view this as part of our worship. Then at 10:30AM, with our gathering song, we begin to make our way to our chairs for our more programmed worship time. For our younger participants, the nursery is open for those 6 months to 2 years olds at 10:25AM and children 3 years old to 5th grade begin the service with the community and are dismissed for children in worship, primary, and middlers during the service. You will note that we meet in the fellowship hall rather than the sanctuary. We meet this way quite intentionally in order to link our fellowship and community time closely with our worship, and so that we can arrange ourselves in such a way as to see each other, emphasizing that we come together as a body to worship together. We currently offer the ability to worship with us live over Zoom. If you have questions about attending via Zoom, email: Office@PasadenaMennonite.org

All Are Welcome

Mennonites? Is that like being Amish?

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